About the Game of Skeet
In the game of skeet, the shooter shoots from 7 positions on a semi-circle, and an 8th position halfway between stations 1 and 7. There are two houses that hold machines that launch the targets, one at each corner of the semi-circle. One trap launches targets from 10 feet above the ground (the "high" house) and the other launches it from 3 feet above ground (the "low" house).
At stations 1 and 2 the shooter shoots at single targets launched from the high house and then the low house, then shoots a double where the two targets are launched simultaneously. At stations 3, 4, and 5 the shooter shoots at single targets launched from the high house and then the low house. At stations 6 and 7 the shooter shoots at single targets launched from the high house and then the low house, then shoots a double. At station 8 the shooter shoots one high target and one low target. The shooter must reshoot his first missed target, or if no targets are missed, must shoot his 25th shell at the low house station 8.

About the Game of Trap
There are five shooters, one to each station. Each shooter shoots at five targets per station, starting with the lead man's first shot and then moving down the line until each shooter has shot at his/her five targets. After five targets, each shooter moves to the next station, with the shooter on station 5 moving to station 1. This procedure continues through the squad until the completion of the round.
Registered Trap Shooting
Hosted periodically by Seaway, nationally registered trap tournaments are overseen by the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA). For more information, please visit http://www.shootata.com/.

About Sporting Clays
The original idea behind sporting clays was to create an experience that more closely reflects actual hunting conditions. Designed to simulate field shooting, sporting clays is a challenging form of clay pigeon shooting. Laid out in natural surroundings, no two sporting clays courses are alike because terrain and background have a lot to do with how targets are presented.
The sport differs from trap and skeet shooting in that it involves shooting clay targets at multiple locations (called stations). Sporting clays targets are thrown in a great variety of trajectories, angles, speeds, elevations and distances. A squad, often 2 - 6 shooters, moves from one station to the next to complete the course. Each "station" presents shooters with a different type of shot.
Registered Sporting Clay Shooting
Hosted periodically by Seaway, nationally registered sporting clay tournaments are overseen by the National Sporting Clays Association (NSCA). For more information, please visit http://www.mynsca.com/.

About 5-Stand